Monday 1 October 2012

Tanked Again!

Seems I got singlet fever following my last post - perhaps 'cos I got summer fever with these glorious warm days we've been having of late!

I picked this up at a thrift shop ages ago and really had no idea what to do with it. In fact, I'm not even sure what drew me to it in the first place. But after singlet success last time this immediately became my next candidate to get tanked!

I know you're thinking it's kinda daggy, right? But I saw potential in this seemingly tragic tourist get-up!

Again, just following an existing tank and adding some ribbing - which I should add is also thrifted - we end up with this.......

I'm loving the superb retro vibe this is giving off! Oh, and the hem - or lack there of - is intentional. I entertained the thought of hemming it but I think the rolled edge adds to its character.

The beauty of refashioning mens' tees for little peeps is that the text or images become the main focal point - don't you agree that it was a little lost in the 'before' pic?

I'm yet to snap the little guy wearing it but a pic will be sure to follow once I do!

This tank is screaming lazy summer days...... oh yeah.


  1. Awesome Katrina. I'm sure O looks great in it.

  2. Thanks! I managed to snap him in it this afternoon AND he actually likes it - win!
