Saturday 16 March 2013

Rocket Boots!

A few weeks ago our lil man spotted some red gumboots at the shops and went stark raving made! It was all he needed to make his life complete! Or at least, his alias of Astro Boy. He's been doing the black undie thing for a while now and the red boots were the icing on the cake. So I caved - he got the red boots.

While this seemed to fill him with a glow from head to toe, there have been a few fleeting comments that they don't have rockets coming out of them like Astro's - geez, is this kid hard to please or what?!

To the craft table! Enter my rocket pack felt fire from this post!

Take some felt scraps, hot glue gun and some elastic of choice....

 Ta da! Rocket boots fit for a, well, Astro Boy!

 Rocketing around the yard

The cutest bit? Once he'd taken them for a spin in the yard he placed them ever so neatly at the back door ready for another day's play. Bless. 

Oh, did he like them? Ee yeah. Yeah, he did. After closely scrutinising them and concluding that "the fire is supposed to come out of the bottom of the boots!!" Sheesh, definately hard to please!!!