Saturday, 1 December 2012

Stockings to be Stuffed!

Some of you may remember this post from last year? Now that we have a new addition to the family this year, our beautiful little Ruby, another stocking was in need! I was soo close to cheating and going the shop-bought option but then I had a vision of my kids hanging their own handmade stockings each year and I simply couldn't do it.

So to the stash! I knew I had some left over fabrics from this project last year, and when I looked I even had loads of squares I had pre-cut that I had totally forgotten about - my heart sang! Just when I was feeling particularly lazy, right in front of me one step is already taken care of.

So again just placing the squares together, adding a toe piece, a top piece and a backing (all one piece - no patches on the back) we have a new stocking to hang ready for Santa to fill with goodies!

Posing by his stocking! As Astro Boy, no less. :)

Although I made them slightly different, I'm not sure the kids will really be able to tell the difference so I grabbed some embroidery cotton and stitched on a letter at the top - Oliver is getting quite good at his letters now and was very proud to announce "It's O for Oliver and R for Ruby!". 

Nailed it. 

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