Thursday, 25 August 2011

Refashioned Skirt

In celebration of these past few days of warmer weather (I can smell spring around the corner), I thought I'd share this refashion I did a little while ago. These culottes were a steal at $4 and I immediately had inspiration for a little refashioning. Well hey, if I failed what's 4 bucks?

So, here's the unflattering before shot....

....and all that needed to be done was to undo the crotch seams and re-sew down the front, and down the back tapering in the parts of the old seams so they didn't poke out like a tail. And there was no need for hemming (yay!) as the length was good to go. So, for a couple of minutes on the wizbang sewing machine you get a new girly skirt perfect for spring! 

Its had a few wears already....

Perfectly girly, flowery goodness!

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