Friday, 26 July 2013

Super Hero HQ

Yikes..its been, what? 4 months? Most absent/inconsistent blogger!!

Back in April we took the kidlets to Fiji - AMAZING - but we all got slammed with the flu on our return, which also coincided with my return to work following 12 months of maternity leave which has resulted in a crazy chaotic household of late! I'm still finding my 'organised feet' and consequently you will find me running around like a headless chook most days. But we're getting there.

So, prior to our Pacific holiday I whipped up this for the little man's 4th birthday. Ever since he spied me making the fabric dollhouse for my Goddaughter,  he has been insisting on having one for himself. A dollhouse you ask? Well, as much as I am all for equal play and I don't mind my boy pushing prams or the like, I did 'man' this one up a little.

Enter the Super Hero HQ!

Now these photo's were taken post holiday, and we've lost the 'Q' somewhere along the away.

This certainly helped in easing the boredom on his first ever flight....

And what is a Super Hero HQ without Super Hero's you're thinking? Ta da....

Four crime fighting-ready super hero's! I went out on a limb since my first effort at painting wooden peg dolls and went the whole hog - I was a little afraid I would botch them but I love how they turned out!

And each one was promptly identified by the little guy so I guess I'll notch it up as a success.