What? A 9 week hiatus? Yup, sorry bout that. Our gorgeous little lady has thrown us for a six with many a sleepless nite (and I mean completely sleepless, not even catching the odd hour here and there) and endless tears. Seems the poor little mite has a bad case of reflux which we are slowly getting under control and I am feeling (slightly) more human.
So! I got back behind the machine yesterday! Some gorgeous new nursery curtains was the outcome but that's for another post....watch this space.
Today I'm sharing these cute arm & leg warmers I made for the boy last winter. And cos its so chilly outside at the mo its totally appropriate.
You can buy these little fella's ready made but why not give it a shot yourself with some old socks or even new ones - still less expensive and a bit fun too.
Toe socks!
Here's what I found in a drawer, all rolled up in a ball that hadn't seen the light of day for oh, I don't know, years! Kind of puzzled about the one stretched crinkled sock...??
Anyhoo, so by chopping off the toes and cutting an extra piece to make a cuff, we end up with these funky little dudes...
Look how little he is! I did warn you it was a while ago - look - I see a nappy! These were a real hit with Ollie and he still fishes them out of the cupboard now. Win.